Arduino Serial Tutorial

Nov 29, 2016  That’s right! USB, which stands for Universal Serial Bus, is a serial port! On the Arduino Uno, this USB connection is broken out through onboard hardware into two digital pins, GPIO 0 and GPIO 1, which can be used in projects that involve serial communication with. Serial communication on pins TX/RX uses TTL logic levels (5V or 3.3V depending on the board). Don’t connect these pins directly to an RS232 serial port; they operate at +/. Jul 07, 2012  This Tutorial is progressive and will be updated from time to time. The goal is to start from a very basic form of Arduino Serial communication, and progressively add or improve components so that we can ultimately transmit data from one computer to another using an XBee. Dec 05, 2016  Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a very basic and introductory tutorial named as How to use Arduino Serial Read.I am sharing this tutorial because I am getting a lot of emails in which users normally asks about basic Arduino tutorials as they are very new to it.

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The Software Serial Library; TwoPortReceive – Two serial ports that receive data switching from one to the other one when a special character is received. MultiSerialMega - Use two of the serial ports available on the Arduino and Genuino Mega. Serial Call Response - Send multiple vairables using a call-and-response (handshaking) method.

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. In today’s tutorial, I am going to show you How to use Arduino Serial Monitor. It’s not gonna be a very big post but its really very essential if you wanna learn Arduino coding. Because Arduino Serial Monitor is a great debugging tool and it helps a lot in Arduino Projects. In the previous post we have seen How to use digitalRead in Arduino and if you recall that tutorial then you must remember that in it we have used some Serial printing. So that’s what we are gonna cover in today’s tutorial.

Before going into the details, I must suggest you to first read these two posts because in those tutorials I have shown the serial communication which is essential for Serial Monitor Working. So, you guys must first read them and then continue this tutorial. IF you have any questions then ask in the comments.

  • How to use Arduino Serial Read ?
  • How to use Arduino Serial Write ?

So, now let’s get started with Introduction of Arduino Serial Monitor:

How to open Arduino Serial Monitor ?

  • There are two ways to open Arduino Serial Monitor, so let’s discuss both of them one by one:
First way
  • Open your Arduino Software and then click on the small box in the right top corner as shown in the below figure:
  • Your Arduino must be connected to your computer when you click this Serial Monitor.
  • If Arduino is not connected then it will create error but if Arduino is connected and configured then it will open a new window as shown in below figure:
  • This new window is called Arduino Serial Monitor, we are gonna discuss how to use it in the next section, let’s have a look at the second way of opening it:
Second Way
  • You can also open it by clicking on the Tools in the Top Menu and then click Serial Monitor and same Serial Monitor will open up as shown in below figure:
  • You can also use the short keys Ctrl+Shift+M to open Arduino Serial Monitor.
  • So, that’s all about How to open Arduino Serial Monitor. So, now let’s have a look at How to use it and why to use it ? 🙂

What is Arduino Serial Monitor ?

  • Arduino Serial Monitor is a simple tool available in Arduino software.
  • Arduino Serial Monitor is used in Serial communication and it prints data, whatever you send through the serial port of Arduino will also be view able on this Serial Monitor.
  • In Windows XP, we have a Hyper Terminal which is used for Serial communication and this Arduino Serial Monitor is just a replica of that Hyper Terminal.
  • So, using this Arduino Serial Monitor you can check what you are sending and you can also place checks in your code.
  • For example, I want to check the status f any digital Pin then I can simply Serial print it that when some button is pressed then I will be notified.
  • I am gonna discuss it in detail further. but first let’s have a simple data sending on Serial Monitor.
  • So, connect your Arduino and then upload the below code in it:
  • Now you can see in the above code that I just begin my serial port and then I have used the command Serial.print to print some data on the Serial Port.
  • So, now upload this code in your Arduino board which must be connected to your computer in order to work this Serial Monitor.
  • After uploading the code, now open your Serial Monitor and you will get this data in your Serial Monitor which means this data has been sent Serially as shown in below figure:
  • Now you can see that our data has been sent serially.


  • Serial Monitor is using the Serial Port so that’s why its directly connected to Pin # 0 and Pin # 1 of Arduino.
  • When you open your Serial Monitor then your Arduino resets.
  • You can change the baud rate from lower right corner so because we have begin our Serial port with baud rate 9600 that’s why I have selected 9600 in Serial Monitor.
  • Now if you manually want to send some data on the Serial Port of your Arduino (RX) then you can type in above bar and then click Send.
  • So, let’s design a small code in which we will send the data on the Serial Port which will be received on it.
  • So, upload the below code in your Arduino and open your Serial Monitor.
  • Now, open your Serial Monitor and type something in it and it will be printed on your Serial Monitor as shown in below figure:
  • So, I have printed my name and then Send it and it is printed on the Serial Monitor.
  • Now, you know both ways of How to use Arduino Serial Monitor, now let me tell you where you can use it.

Serial Monitor as a Debugging Tool

  • Serial Monitor is a great debugging tool.
  • You can place checks in your code like you wanna see how many lines are working.
  • So, if your code is of like 500 lines then you can place check in between like after 100 lines to see if its working or not.
  • Similarly, if you are dealing with some GPS module then you can receive its data via the Software Serial and then can print it on the Serial Monitor to see that you are getting the data correctly.
  • For having a look at Serial Data Receive you should check Send SMS using Sim900 and Arduino because in that post I have sent data over Serial Port and received data and then printed it on Serial Monitor.
  • Here’s an awesome video in which one of our team members has shown how to use Arduino Serial Monitor:

So, that’s all about the Arduino Serial Monitor and I hope you guys have enjoyed it. I am gonna share more Arduino basic tutorials soon. Take care !!! 🙂

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Category: ArduinoBy Syed Zain NasirLeave a comment

Author: Syed Zain Nasir am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Today, I am going to share a very basic and introductory tutorial named as How to use Arduino Serial Read. I am sharing this tutorial because I am getting a lot of emails in which users normally asks about basic Arduino tutorials as they are very new to it. So, I thought of sharing this very basic Arduino tutorial in which we are gonna have a look at how we can use Arduino Serial Read command.

I selected this tutorial as my first tutorial in this list of Arduino basic tutorials because learning to use Serial port is very necessary as its one of the best troubleshooting tool for your code. I know things are looking bit complex here but I have explained each and everything below in detail so don’t you worry. Just read it once in complete so that you get all the tiny details of this Arduino Serial Read. I have also given a Proteus Simulation in which I have received the incoming data from serial port and displayed it on LCD. Before going into the details of this Arduino Serial Read, let me first discuss the Serial Port in General.

What is Serial Port ?

  • I have already written a detailed tutorial on this topic which you can read at What is Serial Port ?
  • Serial Port is used for data communication, it sends data from one place to another.
  • Serial Port has 9 pins in total and all these 9 pins are used for different purposes.
  • The two of these pins most commonly used are TX (transmitter) and RX (Receiver).
  • So, using these two pins we send our data from one place to another.
  • Now I hope that you have got the pretty basic idea of What is Serial Port but if not then you should read What is Serial Port?
  • Now let’s have a look at Arduino Serial Port first, before having a look at Arduino Serial Read.

Serial Port in Arduino

  • All Arduino boards have Serial Ports on them.
  • If we talk about Arduino UNO, then it has only one serial port on it and it is located at pin 0 and pin 1.
  • If you look closely at Arduino UNO board then you can see a little TX is written on its pin # 1 and a little RX is written on its pin # 0, as shown in below figure:
  • So, now we have got the Serial Port on Arduino UNO which we know are at pin # 0 and pin # 1, now in the next part, we are gonna have a look at How to use Arduino Serial Read and get data from this Serial Port.

How to use Arduino Serial Read ?

  • Arduino Serial read command is used for reading any data available at the Serial Port.
  • I have also designed a Proteus simulation which you can download from below button, and I have explained this simulation in the last step of this tutorial:
Download Simulation & CodeArduino serial tutorial pdf
  • For example, you have some module let’s say GPS module (most of the GPS module works at serial port).
  • So, when you connect your GPS module with Arduino, you have to connect the TX pin of GPS with RX pin of Arduino.
  • Now the TX pin of GPS will be sending / transmitting the data and because this pin is connected with the RX pin of Arduino, so Arduino will keep receiving the data.
  • So, that’s how Serial Port works.
  • Now the data is coming to Arduino but you have to write some code to read this incoming serial data and then save it in some space.
  • So, here the Arduino Serial Read command is used.
  • Arduino Serial read command reads the incoming data from Serial Port and then saves it in some variable.
  • Here’s the syntax of Arduino Serial Read command:
char data =;

  • Arduino USB Port which is plugged into the computer and is used for uploading the code, also works on the same serial port.
  • So, if you have anything plugged in the pin # 0 of Arduino then you can’t upload the code in Arduino.

Now, let’s design a simple example in which we will be receiving data from Serial Port and then saving it in some variable.

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  • Now, you need to open the Serial Monitor of Arduino which is used for debugging purposes.
  • So, whenever you write something on Serial Port then its got printed in the Serial monitor.
  • So, whatever you will be receiving in the Serial Port you will get int the Serial Monitor.
  • Here’s some random data of GSM module coming on serial port and showing in serial monitor:

How to use Arduino Serial Read in Proteus?

  • So, now let’s design a small Proteus simulation in which we will see how to use Arduino Serial Read.
  • Proteus doesn’t have Arduino by default in it, so you need to first download this Arduino Library for Proteus and then you will be able to simulate your Arduino board in Proteus.
  • So, design a simple circuit as shown in below figure:
  • In the above figure I have placed an LCD and I will get the data from serial port and then I will print that data on LCD.
  • So, in simple words, whatever I type in Virtual terminal will be shown on LCD.
  • You also need to download this New LCD Library for Proteus to get this amazing LCD in Proteus.
  • So, now use the below code and Get your Hex File from Arduino Software:
  • Now when you start the Proteus simulation then first screen will look something like this:
  • Now whatever you write in your Serial Port, will show on the LCD as shown in below figure:
  • That’s how the Arduino Serial Read works.
  • You can download this Proteus simulation and the Arduino code by clicking the Download button given in the start of this post.

So, that’s how you can use the Arduino Serial Read command and can do your task. If, its still difficult for you then let me know on comments and I will try my best to resolve your issues. Thanks.

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Category: ArduinoBy

Arduino Serial Library Tutorial

Syed Zain Nasir2 Comments

Arduino Serial Communication

Author: Syed Zain Nasir am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>